Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Sarah Palin and the economic crisis, according to Garrison Keillor.

Also, a bleak but well-designed look at our future.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008


I think Sarah Palin forgot to talk about energy last night when she wasn't answering any of the questions. Must have been too busy daydreaming about O'Biden.

Darn right!

This one time... at band camp...


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Declare Yourself

"You can literally register to vote while you're pooping, if you have a laptop."


PS Anyone else ready to see Sarah Palin make a total ass out of herself right now?! I am.

Vote Yes!

Death with dignity act for Washington State.

Check it out... and Vote YES!


Also this.

"We thought it couldn't get more anti-choice and more extreme for women and for health care than George Bush and John McCain. But let's face it -- with Sarah Palin, John McCain has outdone himself. Women voting for McCain-Palin is like chickens voting for Col. Sanders. That is not a risk we can afford to take."

Read the entire blog on Huffington Post- Women's Health: Yet Another Issue Sarah Palin is Out of Touch On

Check it out.

Biden time.